The Providence Union
Church was dedicated in 1896. The existing structure is the church
that was built in 1896. It is now called the Providence Bible
Baptist Church.
Partial Listing:
In memory of Solomon Sparks
who was born July 13, 1760
and departed this life April 8th 1838 Aged 77 years 8 months&
25 days
Revolutionary War Veteran
Pvt. with Capt. Boyd's Ranging Co. and with Capt. Enslow's Co.
Solomon - s/o Joseph &
Mary Sparks
- wife of Solomon Sparks Died Feb 13, 1842, Aged 77 yrs 1 ms.
& 20 ds.
Rachel - d/o Abraham &
Hannah? Weimer - born Sept. 23,
John Sparks Co. I, 194th Regt. PA Vol born July 15, 1849
- died Jan. 23, 1900
John Sparks - Civil War Veteran - Who were John Sparks parents??
Rebecca J. - wife of John Sparks -born Mar. 6, 1853 died
Feb 24, 1892 Aged 38 YS. 11 MO. 11 DS.
Who were
Rebecca J. 's parents??